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calvin plummers socks's Profile User Rating: *----

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 06:43 AM

    Get up and vote these shysters and liars out folks!!

    (But don?t vote Reform unless you?re an ugly racist)
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 04:46 PM

     Mr Mercury, on 03 July 2024 - 03:31 PM, said:

    I?ve been telling you this for weeks, it?s the mood of virtually everyone I talk to who?s going to vote Labour. They?re ready for change but have no real enthusiasm fir Starmers lot.
    This could go wrong for him quite quickly?
    Taken just now from the SkyNews website?

    Are Labour on course for the most unenthusiastic landslide ever?
    The closer we get to polling day, the more inevitable a huge Labour landslide victory seems.
    Multiple polls are projecting even bigger victories than the one the party enjoyed under Tony Blair in 1997.
    But a survey by YouGov today suggests those intending to back Labour this time round aren't doing so with much enthusiasm.
    Just 5% of Labour voters are doing so because they agree with their policies and only 1% because of Sir Keir Starmer's leadership.
    Almost half - 48% - say their primary reason for backing Labour is to remove the Tories from office.

    Is this guy finally gonna shut up about his opinions on politics after Thursday or will it make him worse?
  3. In Topic: Glastonbury

    Yesterday, 04:45 PM

     mr. smith, on 03 July 2024 - 03:57 PM, said:

    dolly parton.

    Accusations but she didn?t.
    She famously said - if you know Dolly- the only thing not fake is my voice!
  4. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    Yesterday, 04:44 PM

     Search & Destroy, on 03 July 2024 - 02:21 PM, said:

    Was easier to say yes or no Bro?.,

    The fact you didn?t/couldnt speaks volumes


    The bigger question is were you hating on Muslims/black peoples/gays etc from recently or did your parents make you like this?

    And why does a guy from Bolsover get mardy about Muslims in France?
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 01:55 PM

     isleaiw1, on 03 July 2024 - 01:14 PM, said:

    well whilst you are running round all day, I'm at at a desk. when you get home and are sorting out dinner, I'm probably doing emails.

    I guess its about what matters to you, and whilst I'd love to be 2 stone lighter, I enjoy nice food, nice restaurants and nice wine... so its unlikely to happen unless I make myself more miserable. So I respect my decision to do what I enjoy most and matters most.

    If someone in finance was a reckless spender and always overdrawn, I'd be looking at whether it was really reckless or if they were speculating to accumulate...

    I believe some people can lose their self respect because of their weight but for others its not a major issue...

    as for decent tailor, I look at people on the train and wonder what the f*** they are wearing but apparently its fashion to have trousers at half mast....

    Don?t get me started on guys in suits that are too tight/ short and no socks?.


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    11 Dec 2023 - 14:41
    Hi Walter
  2. Photo

    Waller is my hero 

    28 Jan 2015 - 10:27
    Hi fellow Warfey is a ****** follower..ha ha
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