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Cum on u blues's Profile User Rating: -----

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857 (0.99 per day)
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Spireite Debate (854 posts)
15-February 22
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User is offline Yesterday, 08:31 PM

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Reserve Team Player
Age Unknown
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  1. In Topic: Spain

    Yesterday, 08:40 PM

    BurySpireite said:

    1719578033[/url]' post='1826797']
    I, for one, welcome people like COYB who ask questions, it allows the less informed of us such as myself to be clued in on why it's useful to go abroad for a training camp and why the Kirk's are probably being sensible in allowing it.

    This is nowt like when Walton starts 3 threads at once after we lose, it's a new topic for discussion (which is welcome for me over the summer break).

    I hate the doom and gloom mongers as much as anybody but the happy clappers who clutch their pearls the second anything gets questioned annoy me nearly as much... can't you just give a reasoned answer to the question and let that do the talking for you?

    Jumping down people's throat for daring to question the club's decision making helps no one, and at worst it turns half of the board into petty arguments, it's embarrassing.

    Are we so fragile that the odd thread questionning what goes on is going to derail all positivity and send us on a downwards spiral? Don't be so effing triggered.

    Thanks for your support. Unfortunately most of the posters on this board accept everything without asking a question. Fair enough if the Kirks are prepared to throw money at the club but as long as there?s a return on the investment (they?re astute businessmen after all). Hence my comment that the pressure being on to deliver by PC, the coaches and the squad. Most clubs in L2 (and quite a few in L1) would love to be in our position.
  2. In Topic: Spain

    27 June 2024 - 08:36 PM

    mr. smith said:

    1719519661[/url]' post='1826699']
    leave it there shall we

    No problem for me. Just expressing an opinion which is obviously not the one appreciated by the majority of posters on here. It?s called debating rather than following blindly the flow.

    PS thank you to those who found the fault but without adding anything positive. Ashley?s = Kirks. We?ll done 👍

    I hope going forward we can be a bit more tolerant, or at least back up an alternative view without being abusive or negative without any foundation

    I live in hope for the forthcoming season
  3. In Topic: Spain

    27 June 2024 - 08:15 PM

    Walton Spireite said:

    1719517372[/url]' post='1826685']
    Also remember on here you are not allowed an opinion 😉

    Exactly. It was only a personal opinion but straight away the wolves were out. Don?t get me wrong, I hope my assessment is wrong but the pressure is on to deliver big style in this league with what has been spent.

    PS I?m a fan but not a lemming
  4. In Topic: 2024 - 25 Fixtures

    27 June 2024 - 06:56 PM

    moondog said:

    1719437069[/url]' post='1826578']
    EFL player is no more, being replaced by a sky sports app

    Thanks for the reply. Having reviewed my travel arrangements I won?t arrive until late on the day of the game anyway so a waste of time for me I regret to say

    Still as far as the streaming of games is concerned for overseas fans I suspect it hasn?t been taken on board so far by the board as there's no info via the website. Other clubs are already offering it
  5. In Topic: 2024 - 25 Fixtures

    26 June 2024 - 07:12 PM

    Could anyone enlighten me about watching the games on EFL iplayer from abroad ? I took a look at the website after the publication of the fixtures this morning but there are still only a few clubs subscribed as far as I can see and we?re not included yet. It seems that clubs have to set up the possibility for fans not in the UK. Maybe a bit early to ask.

    I?ll be in town in early September but without transport and would gladly share the travel to Port Vale as long as I can get hold of a ticket 😁


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