Bob's Board: 1978blue - Viewing Profile - Bob's Board

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1978blue's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 306 Excellent
Active Posts:
2,705 (0.53 per day)
Most Active In:
Spireite Debate (2681 posts)
23-July 10
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User is offline Yesterday, 06:50 PM

My Information

Member Title:
First Team Player
53 years old
March 8, 1971
Male Male
Chesterfield Fc , Football in general . Music-Oasis , Queen and Pink Floyd. My Family and gardening.

Contact Information


Topics I've Started

  1. Player Of The Year

    05 April 2024 - 05:28 PM

    I've just voted for my player of the year on the main website but there must be a flaw with the system because it lets you vote as many times as you want which surely can't be right? As anybody else noticed this?
  2. Mick Bamford

    17 January 2024 - 08:02 PM

    Was told the sad news this morning that Mick Bamford a West Stand regular and massive Town fan sadly lost his battle with cancer late last night. Mick was a true Spireite and also had a love for Manchester United , he was a great friend of mine and to many others. He will be greatly missed. Condolences to his wife Linda and the rest of the family. Rest in peace Mick and thankyou for being a great and loyal friend I will miss our chats in general and of course about football! God bless you💙
  3. Can't Sign In Or Reply On My Phone

    21 October 2023 - 10:24 AM

    Since last Sunday I have been unable to sign in or reply on my phone , is anybody else having issues? My laptop is fine but don't understand why my phone suddenly won't work correctly when it comes to Bob's board. I am not very savvy with mobile phones so not sure what to do!! Benno as tried to help with advice about clearing cookies etc but I can't find where to do that on my phone. Sorry for appearing to sound thick!! even some of my students couldn't figure it out!!
  4. Gary Simpson

    29 September 2023 - 12:00 PM

    Sad news that Gary as passed away aged only 64. Really good squad player in the late seventies and early eighties. I remember him coming back with Chester in 1982 and scoring 2 in their 5-3 win on a mudbath of a pitch. R.I.P Gary , a sad loss and taken too young.
  5. Mansfield Attendance

    27 September 2023 - 07:20 PM

    Just seen their very lucky penalties win on Sky highlights, not sure what the actual attendance was for a 3rd round league cup tie but they had nobody behind the goal which means only the 1 stand open for home fans!!! When you think we get 7,000 plus for home National League games👍