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The Earl of Chesterfield's Profile User Rating: **---

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24-February 08
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User is offline Today, 03:47 PM

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With the Rainbow People

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 01:00 PM

     Wooden Spoon, on 02 July 2024 - 11:53 AM, said:

    It?s not a straight forward question though it?s a loaded one that has not accounted for all economic influences.

    Damn predictive text
    Just say immigrants are not the biggest economic factor

    It's both.

    Demonstrating the absurd dishonesty of those who applauded Brexit and Truss loudest - Farage and the Mail-esque media - now blaming asylum seekers for financial constraints.

    You, I and every informed person knows what that's about.

    And where it leads...
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 10:26 AM

     isleaiw1, on 02 July 2024 - 10:13 AM, said:

    Interesting that you criticise the Truss budget yet she was looking for the Labour nirvana of growth and Labour has historically run unfunded budget deficits.... ;)

    As for Brexit, we are growing faster than EU countries now so when do we stop measuring the impact?

    And the ?250bn loss on PFI contracts, where does that rate? sounds like we will be having a few more of those too, have they not learned the lesson?
    And yes, big believer that a growing economy needs a growing workforce and ours will be shrinking without immigration...

    A simple question requiring a simple answer.

    Yet here we go again.

    Whataboutery ignoring official government numbers or ones from the Goldman Sachs previously employing Sunak, and your very own words.

    Not to mention playing the Mail-esque media's game of twisting and turning Starmer's family values into some sort of dereliction.

    The same characters who repeatedly patted Boris the Liar on the back.

    But hey, after your desperation to smear Angie Raynor for summat she didn't do...
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:38 AM

     isleaiw1, on 02 July 2024 - 09:28 AM, said:

    Who says its the right answer? I think I read that most people now say the Truss experiment isnt affecting the economy, our growth rates are higher than most of EU this year so can we blame Brexit for that.... and the govt spending on asylum seekers works its way into the economy and employment for those serving them so maybe it also grows the economy...

    The ONS and Sunak's former employer say it's the right answer, Ian.

    Reporting Brexit hit the UK economy to the tune of between four and five percent.

    In the same way "I think I read that most people" believe Truss's 'Kwar crash' caused between thirty and fifty billions' worth of damage.

    And that's without talking about the millions paying hundreds more a month on their mortgage.

    Then of course you yourself admitted immigration actually benefits the country...
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:07 AM

    So SKS says he puts aside Friday evenings to observe the Jewish Sabbath with his wife, kids and family.

    At which point the same characters who championed the adulterer Boris the Liar who spent much of his tenure on one jolly or another - infamously dodging COBRA meetings to write a book or canoodle with his latest partner as Covid swept towards the UK - shriek all kindsa indignation.

    So much for the so called 'party of family values'...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:39 AM

     s42blue, on 02 July 2024 - 08:08 AM, said:

    😂 bit rich tbh. But Ive asked for the same , so fairs fair. You gotta remember youll be asked the same at some stage (not necessarily by me)

    Brexit. Truss. Immigration.

    What now?

    Thank you.

    Right answer.

    And yeah, precedent set.

    Well, amongst those prepared to adopt your honesty, anyway.

    What now?

    Let's see how many others have the same integrity...


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