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Osborne again's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 228 Excellent
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1,608 (4.67 per day)
Most Active In:
Spireite Debate (1593 posts)
24-July 23
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User is offline Yesterday, 06:42 PM

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Member Title:
First Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 04:13 PM

     warfey is a spireite, on 02 July 2024 - 04:08 PM, said:

    Who this hospital sent me mad

    Are you any nearer getting home mate.
  2. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 03:41 PM

     clarevoyant., on 02 July 2024 - 03:17 PM, said:

    A strong rumour from Mancshire, Jez is signing for oldham, poor sod.

    He's a nice kid, he shouldn't be going to that dump.
  3. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 02:25 PM

     JonB, on 02 July 2024 - 01:38 PM, said:

    Yep there seems to be plenty of doom and gloom around the place currently. Likes of Mcburnie who they paid nearly ?20m for has left on a free.

    They'll be asking us to loan them Quigley next.
  4. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 01:29 PM

     JonB, on 02 July 2024 - 11:26 AM, said:

    Sheff Utd are up a creek with no paddle currently financially....they have players leaving and no funds to replace them really. They may see Freckleton as a cheapish option to keep on board for squad numbers!

    Yep, I have a feeling that the relegation last season could be replicated this season too.
  5. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 11:57 AM

    Gareth Southgate seems a thoroughly decent bloke, who has created a unity in the dressing room, but there's more to being a manager than that. Since, and including the Iceland game he's become so negative that it looks like he's playing 6-3-1. There's nothing wrong with playing defensively so long as you can hit teams on the break, but breaking in slow motion is hardly going to bother a decent team.
    I want us to win it, and I want Southgate to be the first manager since 1966 to win a major competition. The next game needs to be played like we mean it because it'll not be an easy game to win.
    Hopefully, we'll wake up the next match.



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