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clarevoyant.'s Profile User Rating: *****

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  1. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 07:48 AM

    View Postsophocles, on 30 June 2024 - 11:40 PM, said:

    Agree - I've no idea how such an incompetent buffoon was put in charge of a game at that level. He started the game brandishing yellow cards when players breathed heavily on each other, then later in the game allowing tackles that virtually chopped people in half, to go unpunished. I got the impression that some ref supervisor told him at half time that he'd end up with a 7-a-side game if he carried on the same way. As a result, nobody was given a second yellow, which was unbelievable considering the tackles Slovakia were dishing out.

    He appeared to have a change of tact when Dudha manhandled Bellingham (more physically than the Guehi yellow) and didn't take the appropriate action, then 5? minutes later Dudha committed the worst challange of the match so far on Stones and again did nowt. To have such a shift in tolerance levels during a game is a recipe for disaster.
    Did the Slovakian management do research into the refs trends (Napoli connections!!)and conclude that leaving the 'foot in' was a worthwhile risk after the initial flurry of yellows? or were they just crap at timing a tackle? or was the ref very ellerayesque in not wanting to make a game changing decision as with the none sending off of Blackmore?
  2. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 08:59 PM

    View PostPontePete, on 30 June 2024 - 08:53 PM, said:

    He?s a fu**img weirdo mate. Would rather fight the corner for an arsehol*e like Ashmore who tried to drag our club through the gutter with his unfounded allegations of town fans being racist, than admit that Ashmore is just an arrogant piece of shi* that believes his own publicity🤷‍♂️

    Membership to ITT is not exclusive. (Just buy the founder a post match pint)
  3. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 08:56 PM

    A word of praise for the ref in the Spain game his fitness levels being outstanding
    His positioning when the Spanish keeper nearly handled outside the box being top draw.
  4. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 08:46 PM

    View PostOsborne again, on 30 June 2024 - 08:39 PM, said:

    Ours play like they have haemorrhoids.

    Did you have to Google the spelling or did you refer to the medicinal cream?
  5. In Topic: Matlock

    Yesterday, 08:24 PM

    What's happened to the Matlock lad who always posted useful info on here? Has he posted since last year's game!!!!?


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