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oldgoat's Profile User Rating: -----

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Spireite Debate (1061 posts)
07-June 05
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User is offline Jun 17 2024 12:14 AM

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Member Title:
Reserve Team Player
65 years old
December 27, 1958
Male Male

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  1. In Topic: Airbus A380

    17 June 2024 - 12:15 AM

    Ask a pit electrician , good for sleeping on
  2. In Topic: The Debate

    09 June 2024 - 08:41 PM

    1997 repeated without slimey Blair , Labour goes more tory than the tories to get elected
  3. In Topic: The Debate

    09 June 2024 - 07:12 PM

     isleaiw1, on 08 June 2024 - 10:30 AM, said:

    And its been said thus since I can remember - but who runs the massive business that its become if we dont have pen pushers and bed managers? Getting people out when they are fit would help and that needs the care system sorting - and I havent seen that in any manifesto yet.

    I am fortunate enough to have never spent a night in hospital for me since I was born in Ashgate but sadly I did get to spend many days there when my late wife was in. Some good experiences, some not so good. In the latter camp, finding a palliative care nurse in with my wife before anyone had told me that was the only option, trying to see a doctor to ask about her care - no time to tell the family what is happening.... and my favourite, calling a nurse via the button, no one coming so going to the station to be told they were doing handover - I did feel obliged to ask when it was part of handover to talk about how pissed you were the night before. There are great people in the NHS, and there are some crap processes and far too much waste. Unlike Chris I dont believe public sector improves efficiency, I believe it kills it - so a private element might solve the latter...

    But we dont have a state system for insuring your house, car, travel, why do we for health (as that is what the NHS effectively is)?

    Enjoy retirement when it comes. I'm just under 7 years from my state pension but there is no way I'll be working till then, going to start the wind down next year at the start of the new tax year if work will approve it...

    You have a good works pension then , the vast amount of highly paid bed managers who appear to do f all are part of the wasted bit of the nhs , if it was slimmed down to do what it was supposed to do who knows .
    I presume as you are part of a big organisation this will be familiar , when I was the manager of our team I was summonsed to a RCA and stood up for the team , the outcome was that I was a poor manager .
    The second RCA was different , my immediate manager who was an OT by profession advised me to " not tell them the truth but the Bull *hit they want to hear " and I was suddenly the most improved manager in DCHS !
    That's gong on my grave Ian
  4. In Topic: The Debate

    08 June 2024 - 09:39 AM

    Running the nhs properly would be a good start , remove political involvement , stop repeating the same stupid ideas again and again , but no privatisation . I've been a nurse since 1986 and have witnessed first hand the way it is run , too many useless managers at all levels , loads of bed managers and pen pushers who don't improve clinical outcomes , I was a mature entrant to nursing and get my old age pension just after xmas , will miss the patients but not much else
  5. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    03 June 2024 - 01:21 AM

    Nothing when I took the dog out just now xx



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