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frearsghost's Profile User Rating: -----

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4,756 (0.68 per day)
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Spireite Debate (3862 posts)
28-June 05
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First Team Player
Age Unknown
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Male Male

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  1. In Topic: The Cricket Thread

    02 July 2024 - 04:04 PM

    In the past Derbyshire were at least competitive.Championship wins are now as rare as hens' teeth and despite three good performances in the 20-20 slog, they've reverted to type and slumped to four defeats. It's the same at the start of every season.They report they've signed this and that, have a great coach and nursery that will provide an optimistic positive season but it never does and so it goes on season after season of struggle. How about the powers that be seek some investment an attract some better players? Maybe it would stop all the good players moving on to other counties that pay more and which prevent us building a winning side.

    Rant over.

  2. In Topic: Euros Thread

    29 June 2024 - 05:03 PM

    Italy, so far, seem to be a shadow of their former selves of a few years ago.
  3. In Topic: The Cricket Thread

    25 June 2024 - 01:58 PM

    Derbyshire are so frustrating to watch. On the first day they had Middlesex 189-6. They went on the score 433. Derbyshire have collapsed. 317-4 is a great start but falling to 339 suggests major problems. We have some quality but it doesn't seem to resonate throughout the eleven. I suppose that's the difference between those counties with money and those that don't. For three of the Blast games they've looked the business but again they seem to be falling away. It would be good to see them qualify.
  4. In Topic: Euros Thread

    20 June 2024 - 04:58 PM

    Just like at one point in the Serbia game when Serbia were the better side, I thought Denmark ended the first half the better side. Quite worrying really but England do have the quality and discipline to win the game. The question is do they, as a unit, have the strength of character. Sometimes that's just as important as the quality. Come on England!
  5. In Topic: Only 7/4 For 1,2,3

    08 June 2024 - 12:38 PM

    Got 7-1 to win it at Coral yesterday.


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    warfey is a spireite 

    22 Aug 2021 - 14:38
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