Bob's Board: Goku - Viewing Profile - Bob's Board

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Goku's Profile User Rating: ***--

Reputation: 5588 Excellent
Active Posts:
35,128 (5.69 per day)
Most Active In:
Spireite Debate (30011 posts)
10-August 07
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User is online Today, 11:30 AM
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My Information

Member Title:
Super Saiyan and saviour of the universe
31 years old
June 8, 1993
Male Male

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
MSN  [email protected]

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Topics I've Started

  1. Ollie Banks - Beyond The 92

    18 December 2023 - 09:52 PM

    Podcast thing with two borehamwood lads, 1 hour 34 mins, enjoy
  2. New User Unable To Join

    14 November 2023 - 07:11 AM

    Hi folks. I’ve had a request from a Southend fan from another football forum I frequent to ask the mods/admins on here about why he’s unable to get signed up. This is the message he pm’d me, his name on the other forum is Spaceman Spiff so I assume it’s the same on here. Can somebody help?

    “Hi mate

    Are you on Bob’s Board? If so could I ask a small favour please?

    I’ve tried to register but my account seems to be stuck in validation for days now. The validation email wasn’t sent automatically and I get an error (a load of code on screen) if I try to resend using the link… I’ve emailed a the admins using the link on the site a few times in recent days but still waiting for an answer.

    If you’re on that site, would you mind asking one of the admins to have a look for me please? I’ve exhausted all the available options until I’m validated now!”


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