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turrhall's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 407 Excellent
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2,060 (0.46 per day)
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Spireite Debate (1294 posts)
09-May 12
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User is offline Today, 09:42 AM

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Member Title:
First Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: The End Of Labour?

    Today, 09:46 AM

     calvin plummers socks, on 05 July 2024 - 07:04 AM, said:

    Just checking - who won?

    If you refuse to take note of any details beyond who won, then the LP won't cling on to power for very long. It may not matter today at the furthest point from the next election, but by 2028/29 it most certainly will.
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 02:34 AM

    Corbyn keeps his seat - destroyed the Lab candidate
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 10:44 PM

     Search & Destroy, on 04 July 2024 - 10:35 PM, said:

    Two declarations and the Reform vote is staggering

    There?s going to be a hell of a lot more talk about electoral reform if these big early swings towards Reform continue but translate into only a small number of seats.

    Reform are going to be the real winners tonight. Labour will be triangulating their immigration policy to please Reform voters.
  4. In Topic: Glastonbury

    03 July 2024 - 11:20 AM

     dart in the crossbar, on 02 July 2024 - 04:41 PM, said:

    LCD Soundsystem were mint

    Was there for them. Incredible set, All My Friends was unbelievably good
  5. In Topic: Euro24 Prediction Competition Knockout Phase Quarter Finals

    03 July 2024 - 11:18 AM

    Spain 1-2 Germany
    Portugal 1-2 France
    England 2-1 Switzerland
    Netherlands 2-1 Turkey BANKER



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