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Goku's Profile User Rating: ***--

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35,103 (5.69 per day)
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Spireite Debate (30002 posts)
10-August 07
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User is offline Today, 07:51 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Super Saiyan and saviour of the universe
31 years old
June 8, 1993
Male Male

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Trump. Just...trump.

    Today, 01:06 PM

     Bonnyman, on 28 June 2024 - 11:47 AM, said:

    After last night Biden is done, an incoherent disaster

    I reckon they need somebody older
  2. In Topic: Spain

    Today, 07:17 AM

     KevoBMMD, on 28 June 2024 - 06:59 AM, said:

    Yes on the other Social Media Networks, Facebook, X and 1866 Sport & Youtube Shorts

    Can be watched here:
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 06:35 AM

     Mr Mercury, on 28 June 2024 - 06:04 AM, said:

    Again you miss the point of the post, like the previous reply. He?s quite entitled to have his opinion it?s just how he wants someone else to shut up and go away.
    He?s a bigot.

    He?s in front of an audience at some LGBT thing, Badenoch is far from an ally of that group of people, of course he?s going to say he wants her to shut up and f**k off. That isn?t bigotry.

    And you know when you say there?s no such thing like a left wing bigot? I know you think it?s catchy and you?re really happy with yourself for thinking it up, but it?s just? not true, is it?


    Pretty grim stuff.
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 06:03 AM

     Mr Mercury, on 28 June 2024 - 05:46 AM, said:

    What about the Bolsover sixth form?

    He is a very visible MP and has made some improvements to the local area. However his voting record is shocking and shows that he is never going to be strong enough to vote against his own party - he is a sheep unfortunately.


    Thanks for putting more sh** in our rivers, I guess?:

    ? On 20 Oct 2021:
    Mark Fletcher voted against requiring improved sewerage systems and against requiring a reduction in the harm caused by untreated sewage discharges.?

    I actually wrote to him about that, and he ignored me. So he can get knotted. Not that I doubt Natalie Fleet will do much better.
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 05:55 AM

     Mr Mercury, on 27 June 2024 - 07:24 PM, said:

    David Tennant the latest in the list of left wing luvvie bigots.
    Wants people to have rights and freedoms but wishes Kemi Badenoch would just shut up and longed for a world where she didn?t exist anymore. Typical bigot bully behaviour.
    Yep, plenty of those left wing bigots about, those who espouse tolerance are the least tolerant of others..
    There?s no bigger bigot than a left wing bigot!..quite catchy that!

    You don?t have to be tolerant of intolerance. This isn?t some kind of high level ?gotcha? that you?re employing. Imagine somebody was going up to people and calling Asian people p**is, or black people n***ers. It would be entirely fair to wish for a world where that person would shut up and didn?t exist any more. It would also be entirely fair to express that opinion to them and other people. Yes, you could say that?s intolerant - but so what? Some people do not deserve to be tolerated. You could argue Badenoch is one of those people. She then employs identity politics as part of her response - so it?s fine when she does it, but not when other people do it. She is a wretch.


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