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Osborne again's Profile User Rating: -----

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1,601 (4.66 per day)
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Spireite Debate (1586 posts)
24-July 23
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User is offline Yesterday, 08:16 PM

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Member Title:
First Team Player
Age Unknown
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Male Male

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 04:50 PM

     azul, on 01 July 2024 - 04:44 PM, said:

    Nice to see it ain?t just England putting in turgid performance. France are challenging us on the front

    It's catching 🤔.
  2. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 04:44 PM

    I certainly won't be rushing back from Matlock so I can be bored again, but at least they put some effort into singing the national anthem.
  3. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 03:51 PM

    The negativity on show from the Iceland game onwards has been there for all to see. We got away with it again, but a more accomplished side will tear through this lot. I watch a game to be entertained not bored silly. Two well taken goals but thirty seconds to go is cutting it fine to say the least.
  4. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 10:21 AM

     60s 70s Spireite, on 01 July 2024 - 08:27 AM, said:

    Too many of our creative players are standing on the toes of the back line.
    Most bizarre tactic is our full backs standing by the corner flag to receive a backward pass from Pickford. With now where to go next,
    Most bizarre moment of the tournament so far. Stones not being ready for the short free kick and Slovakia nearly scoring from the half way line from the loose ball.

    They're standing by the corner flag, so they can relate to the ones at the other end, on the slight off chance they may encounter one 😂😂😂. Joking apart mate, I really am bamboozled by the tactics on show. We've got into the next round despite the set-up not because of it. I think he'll have to shuffle the pack and go back to his coaching manual for the game against the Swiss team.
  5. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 04:51 AM

    If we carry on in the same manner, we'll get turned over for sure. The Charles Charlie Charles idea of strolling around the park and passing between the back four is a surefire way of bringing on a disaster.



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