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User is offline Yesterday, 09:42 PM

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52 years old
July 28, 1971
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  1. In Topic: Spain

    27 June 2024 - 09:34 PM

    Amazing! You express an opinion and it's called debating. People express theirs against you and they're lemmings who blindly follow the flow.

    Ok, so you want to debate?
    What makes you think that the Kirks are being so blind that they are letting Cooky use up too much budget on backroom staff instead of the team?
    What makes you think that going on a pre season training camp to Spain is a bad thing when last season they did it and for a number of seasons prior to Cooky's arrival they have been doing it?
    Why now? Why are you expressing an opinion about it now?
    Everything you post is aimed at Cooky with side swipes, it always has been like that since he came back so that is why the replies you're getting are more to do with swipes at you rather than any debate on topics.
    Maybe if you laid off with the Cooky bashing and seriously took the opportunity to look at his managerial record you would actually see that he is a bloody good manager that gets results. If you don't think he's good enough and should be criticized for everything he does then you're setting yourself up every time for the replies you get. Simple really.
  2. In Topic: Derby Away

    27 June 2024 - 10:51 AM

    Wonder if the preseason friendly will still go ahead?
  3. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    26 June 2024 - 10:46 AM

     JonB, on 26 June 2024 - 07:25 AM, said:

    But Dobra has never played in the league so very similar to Conn-Clarke, the fact we got promoted will make very little difference in things.

    The point I was making was if the rumours are true that they have ?20m to spend then that's the price we should be demanding.
  4. In Topic: 2024 - 25 Fixtures

    26 June 2024 - 09:08 AM

    Is the first match on TV then?
  5. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    24 June 2024 - 05:39 PM

     Fit as a Nelson, on 24 June 2024 - 04:18 PM, said:

    Come on, we?ve gotta wise up to these Twitter accounts.

    Perhaps that's why it's posted in the "rumours" thread. 🤔

    I wouldn't be surprised if inquiries have been made and if the rumour is true that they have a big transfer kitty then being realistic we should be looking at the absolute minimum price of around 750,000+ 10-15% sell on clause.
    Only thing is though, it does seem to be a bit of a random rumour to start when from the outside looking in it's a player who was good in the National League going to arguably the biggest club in league one. It's not as if he's had chance to tear league two a new one yet is it?


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