Bob's Board: Cosmo Kramer - Viewing Profile - Bob's Board

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Cosmo Kramer's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 95 Excellent
Active Posts:
975 (0.14 per day)
Most Active In:
Spireite Debate (950 posts)
07-June 05
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User is online Today, 07:16 PM
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My Information

Member Title:
Reserve Team Player
43 years old
August 11, 1980
Male Male
New York, NY

Contact Information

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Topics I've Started

  1. Who Could Be Our Pelly Ruddock

    16 November 2023 - 09:07 PM

    This a purely hypothetical, I'm not suggesting that we're going to do a Luton and float right up to the PL but just for a bit of fun, who do you think would be the most likely player from our current squad to make the whole journey with us like Ruddock did with Luton?

    Some of the most important players in the squad are too experienced (I'm not saying old) for it to be realistic, some of them are clearly going to be at their level in the NL or League 2, but who are the players with the right mix of age, quality, and potential to develop?
  2. National League Tv

    01 August 2023 - 04:11 PM

    I know that most of you are looking forward to the live, in-person action but has anyone seen any news on the National League TV plans for this season? I went to see if the season ticket for overseas fans was available yet, seeing as how we're only a few days from kick-off. The only thing there to buy so far is a random friendly between Chelmsford City and Arsenal. That's amazing value for 9.99 of anyone's money right there ( :o ), but not what I was looking for.

    I suppose that the fact that the site still exists and seems to be streaming something is good news but I would have thought that they'd be ready to take my money by now. The whole thing will probably be closed down by Christmas without the bizarre Wrexham hype to sustain them



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