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07-June 05
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User is offline Today, 05:23 AM

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  1. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 01:39 AM

    Tactically inept and was exposed as such against the Croats in the semi final years ago.

    Rice as the 6, Bellingham as the 8 Foden the 10 Kane as 9, Saka right, Gordon left.

    It almost picks itself.

    Playing two holding players and a back 4 against 1 up top? Saying we?re struggling because we don?t have Calvin Philips? Nonsense
  2. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 08:01 PM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 20 June 2024 - 05:55 PM, said:

    Even teams in the National League press. Compete. Play with energy, tempo and purpose.

    Southgate seems to think his side can sit back, pass amongst themselves, make little or no attempt to attack yet something will somehow turn up.

    Final seconds sum it up - chance to get it into the box but went backwards instead.

    This manager's progressed the national side to the highest levels. But he's now restricting it going further...

    M your second sentence is how I summed up Gary Caldwell!!!
  3. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 05:34 PM

    Over run in midfield as they have gone one up top and one dropped deeper.

    Go three at the back, push Walker out wide as a wing back and saka up top with lane - pull them away from the midfield

    Foden and Kane off.

    Brave by Southgate I?ll give him that. Could be a decent move pace and movement not dropping deep
  4. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 05:13 PM

    What changes will our tactical tenuous make to go for the win?

    Pull Bellingham a bit deeper, foden in the middle. Trent off and Gallagher on the left would be my change
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 02:17 AM

     isleaiw1, on 19 June 2024 - 09:42 PM, said:

    Quiet day considering its an election campaign. Is it that inflation is down to 2%.. or is that the latest poll suggests the Tories will have 55 seats and Lib Dems 50 in the new parliament so Labour can do as they want, who cares what the definition of a working man is or what the long term prognosis is in regards to the long term prospects...

    I watched ITV news at 10 and heard an economist sum it up perfectly - there is nothing in any manifesto to deal with the challenges we face... but hey, we can moan about that in 5 years, and blame how bad it was when the Labour govt took over (I also read an article this week that said that the next year will be good whatever SKS does as everything is in place with a delayed reaction..)

    Regardless of all that, the tories ran out of ideas and stopped governing a while ago.


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