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Mr Mercury's Profile User Rating: ***--

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36,212 (5.2 per day)
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Spireite Debate (26008 posts)
06-June 05
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User is offline Yesterday, 10:52 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male
My family and Chesterfield then anything else that I care to chance my arm at.

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AIM  Spireite04
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    18 Nov 2012 - 21:41
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    14 Nov 2012 - 13:15
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    20 Oct 2012 - 22:29

Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 10:45 PM

    View PostSearch & Destroy, on 04 July 2024 - 10:35 PM, said:

    Two declarations and the Reform vote is staggering

    There?s going to be a hell of a lot more talk about electoral reform if these big early swings towards Reform continue but translate into only a small number of seats.

    Even Andy Burnham, a very very sensible left winger, and someone who resonates with the Labour Party many of us would love to vote for, acknowledges that the % of votes Reform might get compared with the % of votes that the Lib Dem?s might get, then look at their seat totals, and realise that it?s not right and the call for electoral reform becomes louder. But will KS acknowledge this with his huge majority?
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 10:28 PM

     Goku, on 04 July 2024 - 09:08 AM, said:

    In that case, well done to #Farrers for helping Labour potentially win in Boza #CantBarrageTheFarrage

    It?s looking like that in many constituencies mate, but unless people vote to let people know how they feel and not how they don?t feel then I guess we won?t have change.if Reform get anything like the 13 seats projected it?s a stunning result for a start up party and their % vote could be astounding.
    As a paradox Lee Anderson, who I, along with many other's, thought he would be one of only two Reform MPs, might well lose.
  3. In Topic: Euro24 Prediction Competition Knockout Phase Quarter Finals

    Yesterday, 09:57 PM

    Spain v Germany 2-2
    Portugal v France 2-2..BONUS
    England v Switzerland 2-2..BONUS
    Netherlands v Turkey 2-1
  4. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 02:17 PM

    I suppose there may be a good chance of Tyrer returning because if the deal was dead in the water I think Cook may have already signed a n other
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 10:03 AM

    Talking to one or two people this morning, I?d speculate that Reform will push Labour very very close in Bolsover, that?s my reassessment.


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