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The Earl of Chesterfield's Profile User Rating: **---

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26,034 (4.36 per day)
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Spireite Debate (18919 posts)
24-February 08
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User is offline Today, 08:52 PM

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Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male
With the Rainbow People

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 08:56 PM

    Make all the excuses they want about playing an eight man defence.

    But there's absolutely no excusing such an absence of tempo and invention.

    As said before, Southgate once had players performing better than at their clubs. Now our best players are a million miles off their domestic form...
  2. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 08:25 PM

    Give and go - don't give and stop!

    Run in behind!


    Just soooooooo infuriatingly pedestrian...
  3. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 07:57 PM

    We stepped up a gear for ten minutes and created several chances.

    But then...
  4. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 06:35 PM

    Southgate took over an England where wearing the Three Lions had become a burden.

    But he freshened things up, recruited youth, and propagated an environment where players actually performed better for the national side than their club.

    We can argue wudda, shudda, cudda all day and night, yet the progress under him was undeniable.

    To put it an a Town context he's like Duncan, though. Terrific at creating an outfit greater than the sum of it's parts yet utterly unable to evolve beyond his conservative approach.

    Perhaps he'll prove his critics wrong. It wouldn't be the first time an England - or other - side has grown into a tournament (see '90 and '96 for starters).

    Either way it's perfectly possible to now call out painfully obvious deficiencies whilst appreciating previous positives...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:13 AM

    So Farage and Johnson enter into a war of words each describing the other as morally repugnant.

    A genuine popcorn moment for the vast majority dropping jaws at the self awareness absent irony, but leaving the self confessed cultists of both with a teeth grinding dilemma...


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