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Mr Mercury's Profile User Rating: ***--

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36,207 (5.2 per day)
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Spireite Debate (26006 posts)
06-June 05
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User is offline Today, 09:03 AM

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Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male
My family and Chesterfield then anything else that I care to chance my arm at.

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AIM  Spireite04
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:39 AM

     Goku, on 04 July 2024 - 08:11 AM, said:

    Held my nose and voted Labour. I wonder if Boza will be quite tight as a lot of people rate Fletcher as a decent constituency MP.

    I think bolsover will be a very tight three way race with Labour edging it due to the Reform/Tory vote split, and I wouldn?t be too shocked if the Tories finished third. I certainly expect the combined Tory /Reform support will be higher than Labours.
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 06:08 AM

    Remember folks it?s election day so NO political broadcasting on here today.
  3. In Topic: Spain

    Yesterday, 08:54 PM

     Cum on u blues, on 03 July 2024 - 08:40 PM, said:

    Thanks for your support. Unfortunately most of the posters on this board accept everything without asking a question. Fair enough if the Kirks are prepared to throw money at the club but as long as there?s a return on the investment (they?re astute businessmen after all). Hence my comment that the pressure being on to deliver by PC, the coaches and the squad. Most clubs in L2 (and quite a few in L1) would love to be in our position.

    After listening to all, I think, all of their interviews, and attending the AGMs at which they?ve spoken let me clarify what they?ve said.
    They arnt throwing money at the club, your words. They?re putting the amount in needed, initially to keep the club afloat, money for budget is governed by various criteria which they gave to adhere to.
    And yes they?re astute businessmen, so when Phil says he?s no doubt he won?t make money on this, and I?ve heard him say that from his own voice, then I think they gather there won?t be a return on their investment.
  4. In Topic: Putin..

    Yesterday, 08:24 PM

    View PostWooden Spoon, on 03 July 2024 - 07:51 PM, said:

    Reports that North Korea is to send a detachment of sappers to Ukraine

    Taken away from their almost total international isolation and having to mix with others, and maybe Russians arnt the best to start with. Taken away from parades and brain washing, into the real world with one hell of a bang!
    As someone with military experience how do you think that might work out?
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 08:01 PM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 03 July 2024 - 07:42 PM, said:

    For what it's worth caller after caller to LBC today condemned Boris the Liar's* 'performance' last night.

    As they did the hero worship of the tories chanting his name.

    In fact at least one was reduced to tears, so raw were the memories of Covid loss dredged up.

    Then the sheer shamelessness of the all too predictably fact free gibberish he spewed left another former tory supporter declaring he'll vote Labour instead of sitting on hands as he'd planned.

    It was, as always, just the Johnson circus coming to town. A show put on by a showman. The buffoon-esque demeanour, the playground standard gags, the fist pumping ego masturbation.

    It was also a massive own goal given the reaction of a public knowing the price they paid for putting him in power...

    *Statement of fact

    *Statement of fact.
    Now there’s a pebble I’m putting in my pocket.


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