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danblue's Profile User Rating: -----

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Spireite Debate (2930 posts)
05-September 11
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User is offline Yesterday, 09:43 PM

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Member Title:
First Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male

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Topics I've Started

  1. Away Attendances L2

    29 May 2024 - 11:35 AM

    Just looking at top 10 away support in L2 last season.
    Well above the 2k mark on some games and the the top one (Mansfield vs Notts County) just shy of 4k
    In the top 10 away support are Notts, Donny and Bradford with MKD and Accrington being the other couple in the mix.
    Not sure where we will be putting away supporters - end of East Stand or part of North Stand or both depending on numbers, but looks like we gonna have a fair few near sell outs hopefully creating a cracking atmosphere!
  2. Next Season L2 !

    25 March 2024 - 10:52 AM

    What a superb way of clinching The Title. Full house, resounding win and playing some good stuff.
    So, leading on to next season.
    From what I saw on Saturday, I believe we have the squad to get on well in L2. Of course there will be a few additional players brought in and a few moving on, but we definitely have more than just a good spine of a team.
    I was always unsure how versatile the defence could be, whether they could adapt to a more defensive approach but also go up the other end and score. Well, Saturday answered that for me with the shut out of Boreham Wood.
    Jones has been unbelievable this season and his stats also confirm what an important player he is for keeping the defence tight.
    Obviously, up top hasn't been a problem with the goal haul of Grigg and other players more than chipping in. The attacking play and chances we created have been top draw.
    IMO, with a decent pre season and not to many changes in or out, we should carry this momentum in to League 2 and have another cracker of a season.
  3. The Defence Rests Your Honour

    24 February 2024 - 05:32 PM

    ....well it seems like they're taking a rest!

    Seriously tho, this really need addressing at the end of the season. Maybe even needs serious work next training session - seeing as Grimes and Williams are here next term.
    I've really reined it in as the result is still hanging there, but we aint showing 'championship' form at all and haven't for the last few games.

    Ebbsfleet - played well but we should be pushing them aside.

    Bromley - pure shocking defending and nowt to do with a pitch

    Rochdale - at 2-0 we don't put it to bed and with more shocking defending.

    Forget a promotion push next season with how we defend / with our current defence.
    I know we are 20 points clear blah blah blah
    But it's a real eye opener how we get opened up quite easily - not mentioning the first 2 mins of today's game as well.
  4. James Berry Song

    14 February 2024 - 05:03 PM

    Spare 5 mins at work and remembered a post saying how we dont have a song for James Berry.
    Anyway, couldn't find the original post so stuck this on here

    * To the tune of the old Asante song

    He's our winger, he's our number eight-TEEN!
    Signed from Mac and now he's Blue and White
    Scores for fun and he plays carefree
    And he goes by the name of James Berry
  5. Alfreton Vs Walsall (And Other Football)

    05 December 2023 - 06:00 PM

    According to the app, this is being shown on the BBC iPlayer app tonight and not on normal TV.
    Also, some Premiership football coverage on Amazon Prime tonight, Wednesday and Thursday.


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