Bob's Board: HaslandBlue58 - Viewing Profile - Bob's Board

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HaslandBlue58's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 78 Excellent
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Active Posts:
424 (0.98 per day)
Most Active In:
Spireite Debate (417 posts)
27-April 23
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User is offline Today, 08:46 AM

My Information

Member Title:
Youth Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male
CFC,Travel,Real Ale,Music

Contact Information

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Topics I've Started

  1. Paul Cook's Successes

    17 March 2024 - 12:05 PM

    Listening over the past few weeks to the drivel spouted by opposition managers had me thinking.
    Much has been said regarding PC'S previous successes,and rightly so,which has also seen comments regarding wether he has been wasting his time with us in the NL.
    I just wonder if this season could actually be one of his biggest successes? With there only being two promotion places, surely that adds a further test.Fielding a good footballing side alone in the NL does not guarentee anything with the twisted ethics shown by a number of teams in this league,the self serving nature of the NL board (as clearly depicted with the covid payment scandal),the allowing of plastic pitches which no matter what CPS keeps saying,must be of big advantage to those clubs.If reports are correct that we are at most the third best funded team and have cut the wage bill,therefore not buying our way out like others have tried or done,yet being so far in front on points and using one of the smallest squad numbers (some luck in that bit I know).
    I am sure a lot will be straight in with the 'What,how can you compare..........', but if I was PC it would be crossing my mind as to how high up the success list this one should be.
  2. Covid Payments Misappropriation

    01 February 2024 - 04:31 PM

    Just wondered,don't ask why,was any action ever taken regarding the way the Covid fund was (unfairly) distributed or is it still hiding under the NL (very deep) carpet?
  3. Kop Choir

    24 December 2023 - 03:55 PM

    Since a number of fans decided to congregate in S5 several months ago I find the delay in chants between S2/S3 and S5 very disengaging (I sit in S4) and assume the opposition fans (when we get any) find it amusing as it totally dilutes the volume and message.How do fans in other areas hear it?
    I am sure that a full throttle co-ordinated chant,with the attendances we are getting,would be a big bonus in intimidating the opposition,rather than the echo effect we are currently producing.I just feel at the moment we are under using one of our biggest assets.
    Whilst on the subject of audio,I thought the speaker problems in the south stand had been resolved,but I still fail to hear with any clarity around 90% of announcements?


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    08 Feb 2024 - 18:09
    Hello, can you please forward me copies of any emails you sent to the Supporters' Forum so I can take a look at what happened, or didn't happen. Thanks, Phil - happy for you to forward them to [email protected]
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