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SocraticCFC's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 112 Excellent
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782 (0.54 per day)
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Spireite Debate (744 posts)
14-July 20
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User is online Today, 12:27 PM
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Member Title:
Reserve Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male

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Topics I've Started

  1. Hate Crimes In Football

    04 April 2024 - 10:02 AM

    Interesting what can be deemed as a hate crime now. A lot of arrests coming to some fans I fear - rightly or wrongly.
  2. 2011-12 Season

    02 April 2024 - 10:51 AM

    Getting a few jitters about the forthcoming season - some of them rational, others a little over-reaction, maybe.
    I'm not putting Cook in the same bracket as Sheridan by any means but I seem to remember we signed a left-back and one Mark Randall. We all knew what happened next - players being signed ad finitum - Westcarr, Mendy, Clarke, Johnson, some French chap - good footballers but far too many to get what was a half-rebuilt team gelled enough.
    No doubt, history won't and shouldn't repeat itself. I for one am looking to the summer and recruitment with optimism but I really hoping and expecting we can do this promotion properly. In Cook and the lads I trust
  3. 9800 Home Fans

    29 March 2024 - 08:49 PM

    Assuming this came at Saltergate. From memory - Boxing Day v Barnsley 1980 - 17,000 there. I don't know the capacity of Cross Street away end or the side bit but am assuming c 8,000. Not full from memory, so I'm going for this game. Before that , a vague memory of Blackburn Rovers 14k with about 3 k from them.
    Over to you older folk!
  4. Solihull Stream Refund

    27 December 2023 - 12:02 PM

    After that appalling stream - none for 10 mins sec half and constant dial-up buffering, I do feel there's grounds for asking for a refund. Any thoughts/takers on this?
    I've mailed the Nat league tv and vented my grievance.
  5. Stagecoach

    22 October 2023 - 11:31 AM

    Just started using Stagecoach buses again - now and then. £2 to go 12 miles to Sheffield. £2 to go 2 miles to Ashgate.
    Great govt backed scheme to a point but won't get the short-distance user back.
    Importantly, just found out Stagecoach are now owned by a German Infrastructure Investment Company. This is taking the p***.
    What was once a council owned Chesterfield Transport, privatised in 1986 by the economically and financially illiterate Thatcher Govt, the accumulation of capital was only going to go one way - not competition but a monopoly
    that could do what it wanted.
    This represents the latest of decades of asset-stripping and foreign ownership/running down of services (see water, rail etc.) and we all know what that means. Profit. A business no doubt exists to make as much money as it can
    within the rules. Until this changes .i.e franchising at best, this sorry tale of asset stripping and profiteering in public transport is a move away from this destructive philosophy of the last 40+ years ( when applied to public services)

    Not sure Labour has the will or the financial means to change things but the sooner we get rid of this vile, self-serving bunch of gaslighters the light comes at the end of the tunnel - quite literally.


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