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BurySpireite's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 348 Excellent
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1,746 (0.4 per day)
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Spireite Debate (1689 posts)
25-May 12
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User is offline Today, 01:40 PM

My Information

Member Title:
First Team Player
27 years old
July 9, 1996
Male Male
House, CFC & Reddit.

Newcastle based doc

RIP Bury FC + Barry Chuckle

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Fantasy Football 2024-25

    22 June 2024 - 12:32 PM

    Very excited to waste my life with that, get in
  2. In Topic: Gateshead Away

    15 April 2024 - 09:10 PM

    Just back

    Easy to put the doom and gloom on the four losses in a row but in all fairness without NL quality refereeing we're unbeaten in the last two away against teams with something to play for (our bizarre disallowed goal last week and the never a pen today).

    It's incredibly frustrating and makes for disappointing watching but the extent to which it can be extrapolated into next season is more limited than it seems at first viewing i reckon

    People need to chill out from both sides. It's not the end of the world but we're also allowed to be downhearted that the party atmosphere we've all been waiting for for so long now feels so flat

    Also, do we normally at least sing a bit away from home?? says it all when champions are that quiet
  3. In Topic: Gateshead Away

    15 April 2024 - 07:18 PM

    Who cares if it was offside (think it was level pitch side tbh) but how much of the ball does Tyrer need to get??

    fkin joke
  4. In Topic: Gateshead Away

    15 April 2024 - 11:51 AM

    Can't believe I've only just realised in addition to all the other reasons going to Gateshead later is a terrible idea, me and wor lass will also probably get soaked

    Brilliant, see yous there
  5. In Topic: Wealdstone Matchday Thread

    13 April 2024 - 04:08 PM

    First game I've had on my doorstep in years on Monday and strongly considering not going...

    How can I have this pedestrian lot strolling about without a plan (with probably a tiny crowd to boot) being my lass's first introduction to a Town game?

    £40 to put her off for life, what a steal


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